Imagine yourself facing into the teeth of a 20 kt. gale, the crimson ostrich feather in your tri-corner braced flat against the brim to afford just enough protection to avoid a graceful tumult to the unknown eastward to Davy Jones locker. There, scantly visible on the horizon, a flash of an auburn tail tickles the tops of the sunken spartina. Though the distance to the piscatorial treasure seems insurmountable, you draw your graphite sword against the barrage of wind. Upon the hilt, the name inscribed of your waiting vessel: the Queen Anne's Revenge. A graceful flick of the line, places your feathered provocateur upon the water. One haul, then two. The fly of fortune tickles the top of the grass tempting the treasured beast from its Circean seduction of the crustaceans just below the surface. Short ticks of the thread dissolve the hold of the natural world upon the fish. Slowly a swell of autumn blossomed wake overtakes the gift upon the water. The line goes tight. The ride to the horizon begins.
The Queen Anne's revenge straddles the border between flight of fancy and tool of immense ability. Quick casting, with a powerful flex, the rod shines in the face of a headwind on an open flood tide flat; yet, it retains enough grace to be nimble and enjoyable on belly crawling low tide fish on dead calm days. The treasure chest holds five full stars for this rod.